Saturday, September 14, 2013

8/28 第三次幹部會議記錄

Dear CYTC members,
首先感謝Secretary, Ashley整理的會議記錄,Angela因最近工作較繁忙,到今天才修改好傳給大家,敬請見諒.

8/28幹部會議(當天有會長,Angela, 財務長, Berry,袐書長, Ashley,及SAA,Tommy共4人與會)之後,在例會中的會務討論經出席會員(有11人,以2012-13這一年會員數21人計算,逹1/2會員數通過)決議如下:


原因己在會中由treasurer, Berry以專業的Excel試算表算給大家看,沒出席的會員若有相關問題,請洽Berry或Angela.在此,稍做說明:截至上一個term,剩餘之會費(五千八佰多元),若有18個會員,只收3600元/年,之後都"不補助"幹部參加訓練之車資,扣除必要開銷(上繳世界總會及場地費是主要開支,及其他會務需要的雜支如影印費等)後,將會年年虧損2千多元,如此,我們截至去年剩下的錢,未來2年內就會用完,

經Berry詳細計算,發現:(car pool補助給開車的人)和(補助給個人自強號單趟)兩者比較,car pool反而花費較多,一年2次,貴了一千多元(以所有幹部7人都參加,3元/km,
過路費40元/站, 台南一次,來回4站, 高雄一次,來回6站,2輛車計算)所以,若收4000元,則不但可補助幹部參加訓練之1/2車資,且除了之前剩餘的會費外,每年尚有盈餘二千多元。

因今年度會員數為21人,而8/28 regular meeting與會人員為11人,已過會員半數,決議通過於今年度10月開始調漲會費為4000元。若有來賓期間加入成為會員,則每月另收350元(等Treasurer,Berry做出試算表後,可供大家參閱)


原訂於9/7或9/8舉行,但因可參加人數僅有4-5人,且接下來分會在10/9有會內賽,會內賽的contest chair, 是我們的VPE, John,他也將準備後續工作及協助比賽進行人員分配,這將是9月份分會的重點工作,故決議改期為11月初舉行,確切日期將由VPPR Jessica 再次協助統計。

CYTC President
Angela Liu

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Dear members, 


1. 以後的每月一次的幹部會議時間: 第二次例會前6:30-6:50(請參閱7/23我mail給所有會員的信,Martha當時幫我們租借長青園時,為了方便會員會場使用時間及不影響負責關門的員工下班時間,她幫我們爭取可從6:00-9:00)。
2. Vice President Membership (會籍副會長), Catherine, 請針對該次沒來參加例會的會員(除了大家都已知道原因的),以mail 或電話先行了解原因並提醒積極參加例會。
3. 之後,每次的幹部會議前,請Secretary (祕書長), Ashley, mail 提醒所有幹部開會時間並知會所有會員(會員可列席),並在會議後2天內,整理會議記錄mail給所有會員(中、英文皆可)。
4. 參加Division或District活動的車資的補助原則: 擔任裁判、重要工作人員(如大會主席、主持人--等大會有頒感謝狀的,timer或score counter等若沒有感謝狀的就沒有補助了,因為那些畢竟是不需花時間準備 )、代表分會參賽等會員、及參加一年2次的幹部訓練(不只幹部、會員也可參加,在活動之前,我們都有mail 知會所
有會員)。請 Treasurer, Berry, 之後若有活動,活動前我們會預告有誰要去,請在活動後根據會員實際參與狀況,給予自強號來回車資的補助,並mail該次補助明細,給所有會員,(分會經費的餘額若可能不足支應相關補助時,請Treasurer立即知會會長Angela,便於在幹部會議時提出,討論經費使用對策)。
5. 根據7/3第一次幹部會議的決議,所有幹部在7/31前,寫一封信給會員,針對個別職務說明,對於不清楚的事項,會員也可回信給該幹部詢問或鼓勵打氣也好,增加會員及幹部的互動。

1. CYTC年費的繳交方式,以往都是一年收一次(該年10月1日~隔年9月30日算一年年費),再分兩次上繳世界總會(9月底前及3月底前),若有臨時退出的會員,以半年計算退費(也就是若會員下半年---4月1日以後不來了,就退費,但若不來的時間少於半年就不退了)。提議:為了增加來賓成為會員的意願(一次繳交一年年費可能會因為個人因素而卻步---如工作有異動),是否將繳會方式調整成比照上繳世界總會的方式,一年2次?

1. 分2次繳交有好有壞 (下次例會幹部報告時,再做說明)
2. 會後Treasurer, Berry提出我們每年的場地租用費,分2次繳交給長青園(7月及1月),若CYTC年費分2次收,來不及也不夠支付場費,因為分2次的話,我們會在8月~9月及2月~3月才向會員收,才來得及上繳世界總會,但長青園1月就要繳下半年的費用了。以下是年度內這兩大項要繳出去的費用明細:
長青園租用費用: 900/每次, 半年共12次,支出:900*12=10,800元
世界總會: US$6 /month, per member, 以目前美金對台幣匯率1:29...., 我們以30元算, 支出:6*30*6(個月)*20(人)=21,600元
由以上可看出繳完兩項之後的餘額,只剩3600元,但我們仍需支付其他費用(如平常例會的影印費, 上述補助會員的交通費等等),按照上年度的支付狀況,可能不夠。

1. 通過提案,但需針對上述2點,再提解決辦法
2. 否決該提案,維持原來做法
3. 採彈性做法: 常態會員(一次收一年的年費3600元),可能在年度下半年會異動的會員(可先收半年1800,若下半年還在CYTC, 請Treasurer記得向該會員收取下半年的年費),新會員(詢問其個人意願繳交一年或半年,一樣請Treasurer記得向該會員收取下半年的年費)

PS. 下次例會我們會對此案做出決議,請會員務必到會參與表決。


Sincerely Yours, 
Angela Liu 劉燕玉
President of Chia-Yi Toastmasters Club (4439),
Area 3, Division K, District 67, Region 13, Toastmasters International

Monday, April 1, 2013

Division K International Speech & Table Topics Contests

On March 30, we had five members attending the contests and taking different roles. Thanks for their support to Division K. As Toastmasters club members, its our duty to support in area, division, or district activities.


Vincent Chang, as the International Speech Contestant

Karla Chen, as the Table Topics Contestant

Martha Lo, as the Table Topics Contest Master

John Huang & Angela Liu, as the Score Counters


Good news!!!

Karla Chen got the 3rd place & Vincent did a great improvement in the contests.


Posted by Annie Li for Angela Liu

Sunday, March 17, 2013

2013 CYTC International Speech & Table Topics Contests Results & Appreciation

2013 CYTC International Speech & Table Topics Contests have been successfully held on March 13. Thank you so much for your efforts for this event. Everyone did a great job. The followings are assignments we accomplished.


Contests Assistants:  

Contest Chair: Angela Liu

Chief Judge: Chin-chi Lai (SYTC)

Judges: Martha Lo, Annie Li, Sophia Huang, and Patrick Chang (SYTC)

Timers: Jerry Chang & Berry Kuan

Counters: Tommy Lee & Jessica Huang

Sergeant At Arms: John Huang & Dean Hsu



International Speech Contest Contestants: Andy Wang, Vincent Chang, and Ross Tsai

Table Topics Contest Contestants: Karla Chen, AiR Kuo, and Ricky Chen



International Speech Contest---

First Place: Ross Tsai

Second Place: Vincent Chang

Table Topics Contest---

First Place: Ricky Chen

Second Place: Karla Chen


Yeah! We did it. But, without your participation, we could not make it. Thank you! Hence, I believe members who attended the contests, including all the contests assistants, contestants, and winners, have learned a lot from each other in the process. No doubt it's historic breakthrough and valuable experience for CYTC.



Sincerely Yours,

Angela Liu 劉燕玉


Sunday, March 3, 2013

CYTC Announcement-Feb 27, 2013(meeting 275th)

Dear members,

We had 14 members attending the meeting No.275. And it's been a long time since we had so many guests coming to join us. Yes, some students from National Chiayi University and National Chung Cheng University joined us and really had fun. Two speakers performed their best. Angela Liu delivered her A1 speech, a folklore about the God of Stove. She was a great story teller that night and grabbed everyone's attention. David Lai gave his A7 project, talking about the experience of Learning An Instrument. He shared  detailed guidelines in choosing the perfect instrument for oneself. Mr. Toastmaster, Dean, conducted the meeting well and showed the guests how we Toastmasters make mistakes and learn from each other. Many thanks to all the assistants and to their great work.
Following is the list of the best performers of the Meeting 275th. 

The best speaker: Angela Liu
The best table topic speaker: Ashley Hsu
The best evaluator: Vincent Chang

We are going to have our first in-house speech contest ever since CYTC was founded in 2001. This is a major breakthrough and a new page for CYTC. Please, all members, invite your friends to join us and witness how we are going to make a history. We also need your help in hold an in-club speech. Everyone will be assigned a duty for this great event in our club. We are looking forward to the next meeting. 

Best wishes,

Vincent Chang
Secretary of CYTC

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Announcement of Division K Speech Contest

Division K Speech Contest will be held on March 30, so, we will hold CYTC In-house Speech Contest on March, 13. Hence, the dates for the next two regular meetings on the agenda are March 27 and April 10. Please be well informed. Details for CYTC In-house Speech Contest will be discussed by officers first and announced by e-mails or later on Feb. 27.
If you are interested in joining the In-house Contest, think about it and prepare for it in advance. Manual Speech Contest and  Table Topic Speech Contest will be included on March 30. If you can win the contest in Division K, you can be our contestant at District Spring Conference in Taichung on April 20 and 21.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Meeting minutes of officer meeting

According to the decisions at CYTC officer's meeting on Jan. 30, our Toastmaster has to make sure of the assigned members' attendance and to spread (before the main speeches) and collect the ballots (after individual evaluations) for the best speaker, the best table topic speaker, and the best evaluator. 

In order to offer more opportunities for Timer and Ah Counter to speak, please report the results orally to the audience and in written form to the TM, but not on the board.

While GE is speaking, TM, please be ready to report the final results to the audience and present the awards.

Hence, TM and GE, please confirm the attendance by Feb. 22. Speakers, please confirm your time limits and speech topics by Feb. 25. All CYTC members, if you can't fulfill your duty, please inform our TM or GE as soon as possible. Their cell phone numbers and e-mail addresses are on the agenda.